The Return of the (it turns out) Not-So Reluctant Blog

... But Still the Scourge of Kiwi Fruit Everywhere.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ennui as the Father of Perversion?

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.

Mark Twain

I wonder if murderers prove better company than nuns? I have never been a supporter of the Roman Catholic faith, even less in these times (if possible), but isn't fanaticism of an ideal the same on either side of the coin? The murderer indulges a pimitive response to acclimation while a nun does the same (with hypocritical flair, quite interestingly). How strange that we should employ a defective yet delightful defensive mechanism of sorts to an incidence factoring a supposed Divine concep yet learn to move with automatic (if more often than not) fatal grace with the termination of human (?) life. Should I be confused or is my Catholic upbringing getting in the way? Ha ha ha, to be quite serious, shall we indulge ourselves to a coldy served dish as "Man is inherently evil" or project dismay at the profound "admission"? Which begs the question, should this thought then support the existence of evil and the absence of good? That denial is the one thing we prize most-- the refusal to see in this Nightmare light is simply the ability to see all to clearly in the Dark? Very strange but typically human, no? Perverse creatures that we are, we find ourselves validating that which makes us so. Such odd enterprises often leave me short of breath but not without the excitement such an ascpade can promise. Do we begin to be Honest in simple Acknowledgement or is Action the final seal? I guess the Roman catholic faith really is just another well-publicized cult-- a formidable opponent, yes, but "correct"? Which makes me wonder more-- does this then support that what which we seek is what which is not "correct"? Or are we stultified with our denioal that we belive it "correct" but at the same time it is an indulgence of what we seek as "incorrect"?

Ho hum.

Boring day. Maybe the end of the world will happen. I hope not though. I don't have all my faculties available upon my disposal. *sigh* What a pity "it" is. >:)


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