The Return of the (it turns out) Not-So Reluctant Blog

... But Still the Scourge of Kiwi Fruit Everywhere.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Itchy Palms and Other Portents That Mean To Inspire

AAAAAHHHH... The pause that refreshes, eh? Ha ha ha. Just slept the whole day and while, normally(?), that wouldn't exactly sound as good as it feels: Damn! That does just hit the spot!

And as for the theme for the day... Nada. Too bored.

Downside/Upside: One of my cats gave birth to two kittens (What else could she give birth to? Lawn chairs?!) and one of them's dead. Poor thing looks almost human- curled up defensively, perhaps trying to keep the last ebb of life from leaking away. Gave me the creeps. Fetal and blind, pale and pink. I wondered if it was dead before it came out or after. Couldn't briong myslef to touch it. Not particularly squeamish but this time I could scream. A vessel emptied of life. I could almost see those tiny claws scrabbling, one leg kicking, trying to drive itself towards the light. Argh.